
  • Bumps, Waves and Puddles Bumps, Waves and Puddles

    Bumps, Waves and Puddles

Bumps, Waves and Puddles

At a potential customer site, I observed an asphalt paved driveway that had bumps, wavelike tire ruts, and cracks. It was actually funny. There’s a lot of humor behind knowing how humans try to tolerate these absurdities. It’s 2013, there’s got to be a reasonable alternative. Most people have resolved to the myth that asphalt, concrete, or lose gravel pavements can do the job. Not so throughout Europe and Asia, who have found alternatives. For the past 20 years, a German manufacturer designed a way to use recycled plastic bags to mold a plastic grid paver—known as the Ecoraster®. The Germans were initially interested in treating erosions and stormwater control. But their design concept has evolved in a multitude of other applications: from high civil engineering projects to residential patios. The beauty behind these Ecorasters belong to the fact that they are 98% permeable. This provides answers to architectural landscapers and public work department chiefs on how to deal with water run-off problems. Conventional concrete pavements are quite expensive and require demanding criteria. Asphalt, which is less expensive, does not last too long. Both pavement applications are pricy for the homeowner and for civil projects, truly burden the tax payer. It’s a waste of resources and manpower, especially when there exist a better and more reasonable solution. The real problem, however, is the lack of consumer education. The installation process for the Ecoraster offers less intrusive while complementing natural conditions. A compacted gravel base upon which the Ecoraster is placed bears the load and drainage concerns, while the fill into the cells of the grid-like-paver provides for the aesthetics and further strengthens the pavement. What does “Permeability” mean for the local homeowner? The Ecoraster Grid [...]

By |September 4th, 2013|White Papers|0 Comments
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Both economically and ecologically friendly by replacing asphalt and concrete with a Green alternative Weather resistant Gives the strength of conventional pavement, while architecturally beautifying your landscape Successful in storm water management by allowing water to drain back into the soil Reduces surface heat, unlike standard asphalt applications Significant reduction in maintenance costs over the lifetime of the product